Bob Bondurant on Race Kart Driving

Bob Bondurant on Race Kart Driving

Bob Bondurant on Race Kart Driving
4.5 out of 5 stars (4.5/5) by 
Book Category: Driving
Ranked: #6 of 10 in Driving
Applies Only to Race Car Types:
  • Kart
Topics Covered and Levels:
  • Driving ( Basic)
  • Driving ( Advanced)


Teaches how to maximize driving performance and personal preparation.  Includes dry/wet driving techniques, understanding race courses, turn types, mental preparedness, physical preaparedness, visualization, passing and other information.

(To our Valued Readers: All books presented by Build Your Own Race Car have been researched and rated by editorial staff in order to ensure they provide significant value to amateur race car builders.)